If desired input the prefix that suits you (optional) We may use this on profiles, in email and on name tags.
Mr. Miss. Mrs., Ms.,Mx, Ind. or Misc. may be used as may less common prefixs such as Doctor, Esquire, Mr/Madam Secretary, the Honorable, the Right Honourable , Senator, Admiral, Colonel, General, Captain, Coach, Officer, The Reverend, Father, His/Her/Their Highness / Excellency / Honour / Honoror, etc.
If desired input the suffix that suits you (optional).
We may use this on profiles, in email and on name tags. Some examples include generational designations like 'Sr.' and 'Jr.' and 'I', 'II', 'III', etc. or indicate that the individual holds a position, educational degree, accreditation, office, or honor. These include bachelor's degrees (AB, BA, BA (Hons), BS, BE, BFA, BTech, LLB, BSc, etc.), master's degrees (MA, MS, MFA, LLM, MLA, MBA, MSc., MEng etc.), professional doctorates (JD, MD, DO, PharmD, DMin., etc.), and academic doctorates (PhD., EdD., DPhil, DBA., LLD, EngD, etc.)